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Planning and building with light - Master - profile - 4 ECTS

It is aim of the seminar, to learn how to evaluate and optimize the lighting situation with the help of different planning tools. Therefore use computer-based simulations and examination methods in an artificial sky and compare them concerning the methodology and the quality of the result. As a result the students should learn to choose the suitable tool for questions during the design process. Besides basics of modeling, light simulation as well as light measurement, students get to know and use simulationprograms for the evaluation of indoor daylight and artificial light situations. Furthermore, they build models for the artificial sky to examine and messure them. Other topics like the use of daylight, visual comfort and interactions with other indoor climate parameters are being compiled and - with the help of simulations and/or measurements - discussed concerning own designs and models.


Rotation of Module:

Each academic year, winter term.

Learning and examination:


Working on a task with the help of simulations and examinations in the artificial sky (with presentation)